Convert HEIC to PNG Instantly!

If you’ve ever snapped pics on an iPhone or iPad, you’ve probably seen files ending in “.HEIC.” These files are good quality and take less room, which is cool for saving space. But here’s the problem—HEIC isn’t always simple to open on stuff. Some computers, websites, and apps can’t read them.

That’s where changing HEIC to PNG comes in handy! PNG is a common picture format that works almost anywhere. With a HEIC to PNG converter, you can switch your files in a flash without messing up the quality.

In this guide, we’ll talk about everything about HEIC and PNG files. We’ll show you how to switch files, why you might want to do it, and how to make it work best.

What’s a HEIC File?

HEIC means High-Efficiency Image Container. Apple made it in 2017 to help save room on iPhones and iPads. HEIC files are smaller than old JPEG or PNG pics but still look super clear. These files are normal for photos snapped with iPhones on iOS 11 or newer.

What’s wrong? HEIC isn’t always supported on Windows, Android, or a lot of websites. That means you might get stuck trying to open or share them.

Why Change HEIC to PNG?

1. Works Everywhere

HEIC doesn’t always run on Windows computers, Android phones, or old stuff. PNG makes sure your photo shows up.

2. Easy to Share

Some sites and apps don’t take HEIC files. PNG is simple, so sharing is way easier.

3. Keep Transparency

If your HEIC pic has see-through parts, switching it to PNG saves that.

4. No Quality Drop

PNG files don’t lose quality. So changing HEIC to PNG won’t mess up your image.

How to Open HEIC Files Without Changing Them

Don’t want to convert? Try this:

  • On Mac: Preview app or Photos app opens them.
  • On Windows 10/11: Get HEIF extensions in the Microsoft Store.
  • On Android: New phones like Galaxy S22 can open HEIC.
  • Online: Use a HEIC viewer site.

How to Switch HEIC to PNG

  • Click Select File or drag and drop your HEIC photo in the box.
  • Our tool will convert your HEIC file to PNG by clicking Convert to PNG. It only takes seconds!
  • When it’s done, hit Download to save your new PNG pic.


Can I convert a bunch of HEIC files at once?

Not yet. Our tool does one at a time. We’re working on a way to do lots soon!

Why are HEIC files tinier than PNG?

HEIC files are squished more. They take up less room, but they aren’t always simple to use. PNGs are bigger but work in more places.

When Should You Switch HEIC to PNG?

  • When you need a clear background.
  • When you want to open pics on Windows or Android.
  • When a site doesn’t let you upload HEIC.
  • When sharing with friends who don’t use Apple stuff.

More Tools to Try

  1. Image Compressor
  2. Image Resizer


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